The Progressive-Ethereal-Folk band directed by the guitarist-composer Riccardo Prencipe, Graduated from the Conservatoire of Naples San Pietro a Majella. Since 2005 they released seven full-lenght albums with different labels, distributed in Europe and World.
Back through the liquid mirror
(Dark Vinyl/Audioglobe – Germany 2018)
(Infinite fog/Audioglobe, RUSSIA 2016)
Per le strade ripetute
(The stones of Naples Rec./Audioglobe, ITALY 2013)
(french edition: Prikosnovenie/Audioglobe, FRANCE 2011)
(italian edition: Progressivamente/Egea/Suono rec., ITALY 2011)
(russian edition: Shadowplay rec., RUSSIA 2011)
(Prikosnovenie/Audioglobe, FRANCE 2009)
(Prikosnovenie/Audioglobe, FRANCE 2009)
(ARK records/Masterpiece, ITALY 2005)